
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Feedback please~!

Hey guys! The progress of the game is slow as usual, added some new stuff, a new girl and etc. Look forward for the next demo release! XD

Well, I wanted to get feedback from you readers about something. As you all probably know, my tablet broke a while back, so I've been thinking of getting a new one. But it cost a lot of money and right now I just can't afford to buy one. So, the solution I came up with so that the development of the game doesn't stall is that I draw the scenes manually(by hand), and color them digitally. What I wanted to know is which one do you guys think looks better, the one I draw using the tablet or manually? Please tell me your opinion in the comment section, and have a nice day! ;)

(above) drawn digitally

(above) drawn manually

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Forgot my own password!!!

Curses! I dunno how I forgot my own password at hongfire! I even tried every email I've got to retrieve the password back, but the site doesn't recognize any of the email addresses... Well, until I remember the password I'll try to update the progress of Warrior's Quest here in this blog. T_T