
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The final stretch to Demo v0.4 (August 2021)

Hi guys, sorry for a bit of delay in the update. I hope all of you are well in this pandemic. :-)

So here's the progress for Demo v0.4 so far:

Scenes - Completed! 
Sprites - Completed! 
CGs - Completed! 
Portraits - Completed! 
Festivals - Completed!
Dialogues - Completed!
Scene Replay - 30%
Eventing - 100% (but need to go through again, just in case...)

New and improved Quest Board interface

I hope this will be the last update before the demo release. I am targeting for the demo to be out by the end of next month, so here's hoping I'll make it! XD

There's a lot more scenes to be unlocked

Anyway, that's all for this month's update. I hope you'll be anticipating the release of the demo. Until then, stay safe and take care guys! :-)

P/s: Here's a little sneak peak for y'all... ;-)

What's up with those arrows?


  1. I'm very happy to see this project is still alive and being worked on! Been following it for years, I managed to graduate college in the meantime haha. Crazy to think about it, I wish you well and can't wait to play the demo and give my thoughts!

    1. Well wishes to you too, and thank you for following all these years! How time flies by, huh? Congrats on your graduation, by the way. Let's hope the game doesn't disappoint and is worth the wait. :-)
